So How Does Grief Coaching Work?
Before we get to that question, I need to reassure you about something important: Whatever you’re feeling right now is what you should be feeling right now.
If you’re sad and depressed, fine. If you’re often angry, good. If you can’t feel anything, well, that’s okay too. If you’re stressed, worried, and feeling all the feels, so be it. There’s no wrong way to feel about losing someone you love. You can’t fuck it up any worse than it already is.
There’s a good chance that you’re completely gutted, in the most agonizing pain you’ve ever felt in your life. At the same time, you may experience a sense of disbelief. It’s going to take a while to integrate the reality of your loss because you’re going to have to do it with your whole being. One thing is certain: At some point there will be more good days than bad days. But right now, there’s no telling where that point will be.
And that’s where we’ll begin.
Here’s how we’ll work: I’ll mostly listen and probably ask you a bunch of questions. I’ll share whatever advice or wisdom I’ve learned along the way. I’ll probably crack some jokes and laugh at yours. I’m pretty sure we’ll cry together. I’ll always keep an open mind and heart and help guide you the best I can. I’ll meet you wherever you are in your grief and we’ll walk together to wherever you’d like to be. (My preference is the beach, where I do my best walking and talking, but I’m also happy to Zoom.) And what will we talk about? That will be entirely up to you.
The big question is—do we vibe? Do we get each other? Can you trust me with your most intimate thoughts and feelings and are you comfortable sharing those things with me?
There’s only one way to find out. Let’s talk on the phone for a half hour or so and see how we feel. You can ask me anything and I’ll tell you a little more about how we can work together and we’ll take it from there.
Two last things:
1) Like love, you can't hurry grief. There are no shortcuts. The only way to navigate grief is through.
2) As long as you have hope in your heart, everything is going to be okay because hope is everything. Hope makes you look forward to the next day. Hope heals your heart. As the kids like to say, “Hope is dope!”